Monday, October 15, 2012

Anne's 1860's Winter Hood

She has hair, but not nearly enough to keep her little head warm during gusty autumnal days. She has a decided prejudice against things that go on her head but for this I have to put my proverbial foot down and tie the strings beneath her chin, though she protesteth loud. 

She will have to put up with a great deal of things she does not like this weekend. Such as socks. And corset-boob. (who wants to suckle when right beneath is coarse and steel-reinforced fabric that thrusts the bosom up and outward into an unnatural and unappetizing position?)

But she will survive. And she will thrive. She will learn the lore of the Dark Side and become assimilated into this fine hobby we call reenacting. Her resistance is futile. 
There's a smile!

So, she will wear the hood I made for her. This is definitely the tiniest hood I have ever made. It is an uber-small version of the toddler and woman's hood I posted on my pattern blog a few years ago. For this one, I faced the brim with silk and the lining is of a blue and white print cotton. The outer layer is light brown wool. I debated on whether or not to put on silk ties but since she likes to chew whatever her mouth can reach I thought cotton tape ties would work just as well and would not be greatly harmed by gnawing.

Malachi's old woolen coat *could* work for her this weekend. It's roomy but that is okay since underneath we can pile on the layers. I may make a new coat for her though, to match the hood. Blue and brown are nice colors for her.



  1. So cute! I especially love the dress. I have always had a huge soft spot for red with white polka dots. Baby girl clothes are so cute anyway ... I have three younger brothers, and I was never exactly disappointed when they turned out to not be girls, but I did pine for little dresses. ;)

  2. Sooooooooooooo cute!!! I think I'm gonna die from cute overload!

  3. Sarah, your daughter is so beautiful! :) The gown and hood look quite adorable on her.

  4. She is SO adorable!! And so pretty!

  5. this is too cute for description.
    I LOVE her in the little dress and hood. SO BEAUTIFUL.

  6. Well, I already said it, but she looks adorable in that! She grows more beautiful by the day :)

  7. Oh my goodness she is darling! She is sure growing quickly and getting her own little look. I love love love her dress and that hood is fantastic! Such a lucky little gal! Hope your weekend turns out wonderful!

  8. Look at that sweet, lovely little girl! Great job on the clothes, too, they are beautiful. Good luck at your event.

  9. Sarah, she is so beautiful and she makes the bonnet beautiful! The blue is perfect


  10. This is seriously the cutest thing I've seen in weeks! She's SO funny with those expressions - so unsure and about to cry over it all, and finally almost smiling. Do you mind if I mention this on my blog?

  11. I think my favorite photo is the first one, in which she is obviously imploring, "Mommy...PLEASE don't make me wear this hood! PLEEEEEASE?"

    She's so beautiful!

  12. Thanks! :) She definitely has quite a little personality going on. She is so different from the boys in some ways. Scene in the Past, sure! I don't mind at all.

  13. OMG so adorable! And the color goes so well with her eyes.

  14. Being around babies, I keep thinking how they look so intelligent, not like they're feeling little baby feelings.

    She's very wonderful-looking! I'm glad to see more pictures of her, since I feel there haven't been too many that show her well. Oh, if only I could make little child clothes! Quicker than adult, I think. Someday, maybe!

  15. She is just the most precious little thing. What a blessing you have :) And she looks so sweet in her new hood. Your talents just amaze me!

  16. Cute as a bug's ear! Love the hood! What a lucky family to have such a Momma!

  17. Oh my gooood !!! Ain't she sweet and cute and lovely and beautiful !

  18. Absolutely perfect! Living History is not living without the participation of all age groups. Kudos to you and your family.



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