Wednesday, October 21, 2020
October is slipping by; transitioning from the gold and blue of September to the deeper reds, oranges and browns of October. I know I have neglected my blog; it's been a busy time since the kids went back to school. The first few weeks were full of settling in to new routines and it seems at least once a week someone or another has a symptom that requires them to be kept home. This year, the nurse sent a detailed list of symptoms that could be problematic and encourages kids with any of them to stay home. Cough, tummy ache, runny nose, sore throat, etc. In the past, the only time school did NOT want our kids in was if they had a fever or were throwing up. Now, of course, we must be more cautious.
They are all doing marvelously well; David is being promoted to 8th grade in December (he repeated 1st grade, since that was the time we were dealing with his autism diagnosis) and Rose is excelling in kidergarten. Meanwhile, I've been scurrying to get them all caught up on physicals and dental visits since we had to postpone so much over the spring and summer. Judah turned 13 in September and David had his 14th birthday a few days ago.
Malachi has returned home for the time being. He wanted to go back to school this year after being homeschooled most of last but he was struggling a lot. He has chosen to do the virutal schooling option our district offers and is happy to be back home again. He is a great help with Lucy, the black lab puppy we got at the beginning of September.
I have been sewing some things as I have time and will blog about those as I can. Perhaps things will quiet down some but whenever I think they will, something new comes up to require any spare attention and time. I have made some modern things and actually did finish a historic garment. Malachi took some pictures of my new 1860's wrapper over the weekend and I am excited to have finally made my first Civil War dress in 3 years! (THREE?!?!)
This time of year always has me feeling a bit down and nostalgic but also fuels my creative drive and gets me incredibly inspired. Kind of weird, but, it works! I am taking advantage of my energy before winter comes on full force and I know I'll be feeling pretty lethargic and stifled before spring arrives.
Much love to you all,
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