Sunday, March 24, 2019


Another travelers cape. This time, in fleece. I got a 1.5 yard pre cut length and was able to get two capes out of it, one for my niece and another for Rosie!
I lined Rosie's with the blue and white print I used to line her Petal Dress last fall. It's so soft and lovely against the skin, while the fleece makes a great light layer that is absolutely perfect for this time of year. To close the cape I sewed on a black frog closure. It's a little big for her but she loves, loves wearing it and wrapping up in it at night after her bath or when she's reading books with me. It's like a wearable blanket!
She loves looking for fossils!
She needs her own cross body purse. . .mine was loaded with rocks she found
by the time we left!

This past week we have spent so much time outside. It's been warm and lovely and such a happy time, seeing the woods fill with little green growing things and buds swelling at the ends of branches and shrubs. When we are super lucky, we find a little wildflower or two hidden beneath dry leaves or peeking out shyly from under some brush. The trees are still quite leafless but a faint green mist is spreading and hanging in those expectant branches.
Benjamin followed the creek bed as far as he dared. . .

The cape also came with Rosie to the drum circle the night of the full moon and spring equinox. She didn't bring her wings (which I still need to blog about! They came out SO cute!) but the cape was better suited for the cool night air at the beach anyhow.
Fabulous moon in the western sky the morning of the equinox! This was taken from
my back deck early in the morning when I got my son David up for school.
That puppy kept looking at her and then at her pepperoni roll!
She did share. 😂

Drumming in the spring!

Excitement was high!
Busy season is definitely upon us. Baseball, end of school programs, two birthdays, two weddings, Easter and the beginning of living history season. While I so love seeing the cycle of the earth I also enjoy the quiet cycle of our life, too, and how each season brings with it some of the same things as the year before - with children who are older, taller, and closer to adulthood and finding out what their path is through this world. 
I've been sewing a lot but nothing historical. I am not really sure how much living history I will be doing this year. I am sure I'll do some but my heart just isn't into it this year. I have become involved in some other things that leave little physical time for going to events and little mental and emotional space to devote to research and creating historic clothing. It's a strange, new, exciting time in some ways but it is such a good thing. 
I am sort of, possibly, maybe planning a new 1860s dress for a one day event I will likely go to in mid April. I have fabric for it and keep feeling a little urge to make a dress. Over the winter I splashed some bleach on my blue print dress since my sewing room/costume storage space doubles as our laundry room. I was devastated! That dress was just so pretty. But the fit was not quite right as the bodice was pretty long waisted for the period and I was planning to remake it anyway. Now, I can use the fabric from that dress to make a dress for Anne and possibly Rose as well. I have a nice blue and creamy-orange plaid to make into a dress to replace it and  I do think it will look nice once its made up. Soon? Maybe! We will see. 
For now, oh, many blessings and much love to you all. What a marvelous season we are in, with cool mornings and evenings and skies sprinkled with stars and flooded with soft moonlight, with the gentle song of mourning doves and fields and silvery creeks and rivers, released from their winter ice, flowing into larger rivers. The earth is good to us, despite how we mistreat her and take her for granted. We have so much to learn.


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