Monday, June 21, 2010

Jacksonville, IL Civil War Reenactment 2010

The Civil War reenactment in Jacksonville, IL is hailed as one of “the” events in the local area to go to. This year, we did not get to go for the whole weekend since David had to work on Saturday. On Sunday, however, we got up early and we all packed into David’s mothers van to make the two hour drive. We arrived at the site just in time for church service.
Here is my mother in law just before church started.
Being Sunday, the day was far more relaxed than a Saturday. There were less people and less activities to go to. I enjoyed it very much; the laid back atmosphere was calm and peaceful. It was hot, but compared to the heat we experienced last week it was actually really very nice and comfortable, especially in the shade!
I have not been terribly fond of the Jacksonville event in the past. The first year we went (2 years ago) we stayed the whole weekend and were kept up at night by a riotous, drunken party in the camp next to us. Last year we went just for the day but it was terribly hot and I got very sick so we had to leave early. This year was by far nicer than our prior experiences!
It seems that this year I am meeting all kinds of wonderful and interesting people. There was another mother there with two little boys, ages three years and fourteen months and it was so nice to have some other little children present. They were adorable and Malachi enjoyed playing for a bit with the other wee lad.
We did experience a few mishaps. One was the behavior of our beloved first born son. He was very . . .active. Actually, he had a fascination with the stairs on the pavilion and wanted nothing more than to go up and down the stairs for the entire duration of our stay. This would have been fine, but the pavilion was located rather far from our units home base so I could not always be there, and David seemed to assume the pavilion was his personal property and he screamed, cried and even kicked and hit at people who came up “his” stairs. This was, of course, totally unacceptable. He was duly punished by both his father and I, but to no avail.
The second, less lengthy mishap occurred to Judah. His grandma had just bought him a candy stick and we passed by the embalmers on our way back to camp. Judah lagged behind a good deal and once we reached camp and I did not see him with us, I went looking for him. He was indeed on his way to us, but shuffling along at a very slow pace indeed. When I drew closer I saw that his trousers had fallen down around his ankles and he looked at me with a reproachful and pained expression as he shuffled sadly along, much like a prisoner in shackles. We pulled up the trousers and buttoned them anew.
The highlight of the event for me was, though, by far, being able to meet the beautiful Mrs. P from Humble Beginnings! I was thrilled to meet such a lovely kindred spirit.
Her husband graced the company with some fantastic banjo music after the battle. This talented couple added so very much to the whole atmosphere and delight of the event, not only for me but I know that everyone who saw and heard them will come away with a better understanding of history.

David came away in a very good mood. He was thrilled to have been able to fondle two original guns. One was, I think (excuse me if I get the term wrong, I’m working from memory and a limited understanding of firearms) a Burnside Carbine. The other was an Enfield. We ladies talk about fondling fabric. David and our reenacting guys talk with equal passion about fondling guns. :)
Well, this is the last event for us til August. It will be nice to have a two month break, especially during the hot months of summer. This week I need to finish up some outside sewing jobs and turn my attention once more to jobs that need to be done around the house. My bathroom floor needs to be torn up and the new linoleum laid. I have a good understanding of the theory but am concerned about cutting accurately around the sink and the toilet. Actually I think the toilet will have to be removed and a new wax seal put in. I hope once I remove the current sub floor, the original hardwood floor will be in good enough condition to just lay the linoleum over that. Who knows what lurks beneath? The current floor is ceramic tile but the grout has not held so the tiles are “floating” and some are broken and some completely missing.

Then the choice of paint color and trim for the bathroom. Back to work for me!



  1. I had a lovely, lovely time with you yesterday and look forward to many more!

  2. What fun! I adore your new gown. You look beautiful.

  3. Sarah, your new dress is so, so lovely! And I adore the bonnet. You look so elegant! Yay for meeting Jenny and her husband, too :D

  4. Thanks!

    Jenny, I had a wonderful time visiting with you too! On the way home I remembered so many things I wanted to ask you and talk to you about.

    Now, Gillian and Lauren, we just need to get you both down here too and we can all meet up and dress up for a fun day of living history, talking, sewing, and wearing pretty dresses. :)

  5. What an enjoyable weekend you had :)

    Meeting another kindred spirit is almost like a it not?

    How neat that your mother in law is also into re-enactment. Something else to share with her besides your little ones :-)

    Your dress, as always, is just so pretty and you looked lovely in it!



    ps: Your oldest boy was just so excited...I mean stairs are just the thing at that age ;)

  6. Looks like a great day. I am happy you were able to spend Sunday in a wonderful dress and at a wonderful place.
    You talked about the banjo and the power of music in turning back the clock. I agree with you so much - music does have the ability to take you back in time. I have realized that lately.
    Thanks for sharing the great pictures.

  7. I am so happy I happened upon your blog. The Civil War Reenactment looks like a fantastic event. Great images.

  8. Paint, sew, lay linoleum, you just do anything!

  9. Oh dear me... your description of Judah is too hilarious. What a way with words!

  10. Oh, and I loved the fondling guns comment. How well I relate!

  11. It looks like you had such a nice day! I am jealous that you and Jenny P got to meet. And I love your new dress. It's beautiful! The colours are perfect for you.


Thank you for your lovely thoughts!