Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas from our family to yours! As the years have passed, I have come to look forward to choosing a photograph of the children for our annual Christmas cards. I enjoy looking back on them and seeing how much they have grown and changed over the years. As more babies have been added it has become a difficult task to get a "good" picture - generally our attempts end in disappointed frustration on my part and irritated naughtiness on theirs.

Since today was so warm and beautiful I told the kids they could get as dirty as they liked, if they would only consent to sit nicely for a few minutes so I could get a picture!

We went out to the lake where they soon discarded socks and shoes to run on the sand and wade out into the water.

Sticks, rocks and some water plants they plucked from the shallows entertained them for hours.

Rose slept in her carseat for a while.

But she soon woke up and enjoyed practicing her new skill of sitting.

She was the only one who did not get very dirty. 

There were fisherman out on the lake in their boats and the occasional passerby walking a dog. Farther down shore, a family kindled a fire on the beach. I was surprised that more people were not out. The hills echoed with the voices of children and the cawing of gulls.

What a beautiful day! 

The best discovery was a large carp skeleton, which they buried with pomp and ceremony since I did not wish them to bring it home. I also drew the line at them riding a floating log as a raft out into the lake. 

And when they were properly dirty they did consent to stop in their play to take a picture. 

Now as evening falls we are home with baths all round. The duck for Christmas Eve supper is roasting in the oven and we are looking forward to a fun evening of cookie baking (and eating!) and present wrapping and movie watching. 

So thankful for this time to recall the Greatest Gift given to all mankind. Merry Christmas!


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