Monday, December 7, 2015

A Watermelon Regency Dress

Sorry for the influx of posts! I hope to catch up on blogging about my sewing projects before the end the year. (Yikes! That's only a few weeks away!) Anyway, a few years ago, when Anne was not yet a year old, a friend gave me some cotton fabric for her. Green gingham printed with cheerful pink watermelon slices! It was cute and quirky and would make a perfect summer dress, I thought. This year, finally, that dress was made.

It was actually made in the fall, but who says watermelons must just be for summer? Not I, said Anne. And I agreed. Besides, our fall this year was very much an Indian summer and the days full of warm breezes, golden sunshine and walking amongst the leaves. Short sleeves and watermelons did not seem out of place at all.

This was the first dress Anne substantially helped with. Of course, she has always "helped" before but this time she cut out the skirt, and while sitting on my lap she guided the fabric through the machine and stitched the seams. She was very very proud to make the skirt herself.

The bodice is from the Sense and Sensibility regency girls dress pattern. I have found this particular bodice pattern to fit so well. This time we used a size 4 and it was pretty much perfect. The only thing I have noticed about this pattern is that the overlap in the back is HUGE, but that means I can easily move the buttons over to give her more growing room as she gets bigger.

A while ago I had bought a cotton sheet at the thrift shop to use for period undies. Along the top was a border of bright pink polka dot cotton. I was able to use that strip of fabric for some decorative piping in the back seams and along the neckline of the bodice. We sewed a narrow strip to the waistline for a faux belt.

Since Anne likes to carry purses of course we had to fashion a little bag for her to carry with this dress. There was enough of the pink polka dot fabric left to make a soft purse. The strap came out a bit too wide but since it doesn't bother her at all I am not going to worry about making it narrower.

The dress is still seen even now in December, only she likes pairing it with a hooded cardigan that is silver and sparkly. And her leather boots, of course. Her style is definitely her own. 3 year olds have a pretty confident fashion sense. ;)



  1. Wow! You still had the fabric! :P The dress turned out great! Got a chance to read through your blog and it seems like you're pretty happy now. Hope the kids are doing great. Looks like they are growing too up quick!! They need to slow down! :P

    1. Thanks Jackie! That fabric was just perfect for her dress. I know it, the kids are getting too big too quickly. They keep me so busy. I am indeed so very thankful and happy to be where I am with my family.

  2. Just adorable. :) The young lady looks like she really loves her new dress. Well done!


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