Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Becky's Corset

Firstly, thank you all so much for your sweet words of congratulations about our little Anne-girl. It is still incredibly hard for me to believe that we are actually having a girl. I have had some very sweet years with my little men folk and had sort of mentally resigned myself to the fact I would be a mother of boys. And now! God unexpectedly drops the blessing of a daughter in our laps. Our plans are certainly not His plans; our ways not His ways. Everyone in our family is so very excited. Actually, the day after we had the sonogram my mom called me. It had not yet been 24 hours and she had already purchased some little gowns for the baby, along with some tiny pink onesies and little pink knit pants. I think she is somewhat excited. ;) Aren't they adorable?!

I picked up some lovely sheer white cotton eyelet over the weekend (okay, it's actually a really huge, really gorgeous curtain I got for $2 at the thrift store) to make into a long gown for the baby. After the sewing I need to get done for our 1860's event next month I hope to spend some time making her some little simple gowns and caps, along with a whole mountain of linen diapers and wool soakers. . .am I really going to have enough time to get this all done before she arrives? It seems each pregnancy goes by so much faster than the previous ones. And can I just say how much more fun it is to BE pregnant with three little boys who are old enough to realize what is going on?

When Malachi was born David and Judah were ages 2 and 1 - really still babies themselves - and they didn't really get excited about him. This time around all three of them eagerly measure my belly with their hands, talk into my stomach, giggle and squeal when they feel the baby kick.

They ask hundreds of questions about the baby (exactly what do you tell them when they ask "how did the baby get in there, Mommy?! I have told them the truth but with as little specific information as will satisfy them so far - "God gives the baby to a mommy and a daddy. It is like planting the garden. The daddy plants his baby seed in Mommy, where the baby grows until it is big enough to be born.") and constantly ask me how much longer it will be until the baby is ready to "come out". David wants to know why we aren't having two babies. He can't fathom why a mommy would have TWO "udders" (um, yeah, that's what he calls them) and only have ONE baby. He was very disappointed to learn we will only have one baby this time. Apparently he had made his own little plans for a boy and a girl.

Anyway, so far this week I have finished Becky's corset. I made her chemises last week, so we are making good progress on her undies. Corsets really are so relaxing to sew. It's so fun to see how some simple materials transform into a sturdy, fitted undergarment that molds and supports the body into a period shape. I always love observing that transformation. I know, I'm weird. :) But really I do love making corsets.

Binding, topstitching and bones that won't break,

A steel busk to fasten the corset we make,

Eyelets - all twenty - and long lacing strings,

These are a few of my favorite things!



  1. Sarah,

    We are so excited for you. Wonderful post.


  2. I think that's a very age-appropriate way to explain babies! I'll have to remember that :)
    I'm giddy with excitement for you. So you're certainly set on Anne for your sweetheart's name?

  3. Dear Sarah,

    Such a happy post...

    The pictures of the boys as they are growing are making me smile, and their excitement about their sister makes the smile wider still.

    I have a little dress, Sarah, a little soft green vintage dress, with a full skirt and lots of trim on the bodice, and a pretty sash at the waist. I've been saving and saving it, for what reason isn't sure, since we have no girl-child.

    May I send it to you?



  4. Your little guys are going to make such wonderful big brothers.

    I come from a family of many, many boys. My mom likes to tell the story of when I was born, and how she called the doctor a liar and started crying when he said I was a girl (this was before the time when parents were able to find out the sex of the baby beforehand)!

  5. OOOOhhhhh, that corset is divine! Such beauty!
    Your little men must be so very excited and are anticipating the summer with so much enthusiasm!

  6. Natalie, that is a hugely generous gesture. I would be honored to accept such a gown; and Anne would be honored to wear it, I am sure!

    Anna, that is a sweet story! I was so certain the technician was going to tell me "boy". She wasn't able to find the gender for a while since the baby had her legs all folded up and was very unwilling to move despite pokes and prods. At last she reluctantly moved and the tech triumphantly said, "are you ready?" I felt somewhat dizzy when she announced a girl! I probably freaked her out by staring at her in blank amazement for thirty seconds before I could ask, "are you SURE?" haha. . .;)

    Rachel, we are excited but the weeks are truly going by too fast. I know August will be here before I am ready for it. I'm 23 weeks now, so, it's amazing to think it's already been that long. It's fun getting things ready for her but I'm a long way from truly "ready"! Eeek! I hope I can get everything done! And spring is such a busy, busy time it will be harder to find extra time to get things ready. At least I can rely on my moms wisdom - I was a late spring baby (late May) and she said all I wore was diapers and a onesie for the hot months. If all else fails, at least (I think) I can accomplish THAT. Still need to make the diapers though. . .


Thank you for your lovely thoughts!