Thursday, June 11, 2020

Late Spring Living

Too busy and tired to write a proper post but for the sake of keeping up with what is going on, these are some recent photos of life here. Baseball, fishing trips, spending time outside. Today Dr. Amy Acton stepped down as medical director and in some ways that surprised me, since we are very close to being fully reopen here in Ohio (Serpent Mound opens on the 18th and the Air Force Museum in Dayton reopens July 1st!) but in some ways I was not surprised as she has been relentlessly verbally attacked by those who disagreed with her handling of the situation with Covid-19. I feel very sad about this. I am thankful we  had such great leadership from her and our governor throughout the initial crisis of the virus in Ohio.

David works on a shepherds hook for the garden
He loves forging!
They play outside all day! Here they are chasing each other as evening falls.
Caught mid-spin! She and Benjamin were pretending to be tornadoes. 😂
Malachi carving. . .something?
Sweet Anne at Indian Creek
Her fleece cape comes with her everywhere!
It's the perfect layering piece for evenings that can still be cool.

Fishing at Indian Creek. 
For Benjamin's birthday, he insisted she accompany him to
Bass Pro, where they each picked out a new pole. Hers is Barbie.
She definitely likes fishing more than Benjamin does. 😂 

Judah fishing farther off. There were so many bullfrogs that night!

Evening sky.

Geese across the lake. 

Judah took this one of a spider. I love it!

She and Judah both found daisies. . .

And plucked many of them.

"He loves me, he loves me not." "Mommy! He LOVES ME!" 
Kitten season

He was so proud to get into that tree! He's scared of heights
but he overcame it!
Pitching a game! It has been so nice to have baseball games on weeknights again!

Trying out catcher for the first time!

Snacks to watch the game!

Rosie and her friend Joshua went together to get registered for kindergarten yesterday!

I got poison ivy really bad about two weeks ago. This photo is from one week ago.
I ended up going to the doctor that day and got a shot and a 15 day supply of prednisone.
Today it is so much better! I only took the prednisone for 2 days since it was giving
me horrible side effects. But still, so thankful it's going away so fast this time. I hate poison ivy.
This time I used a special jewel-weed "poison ivy soap", witch hazel, shea butter and zyrtec. That combination
really seemed to help the rash speed up its progress. Normally this lasts for at least 3 weeks!

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