I do not wear this combination for everyday use, but it is nice to rotate the dress and skirt with my other modern garments. I like wearing the dress with a turtleneck for winter; the cheerful bit of color on the bodice and the yellow skirt have really helped boost my spirits a little. It's been a more depressing winter than most. I've been very homesick, missing places and people I knew and loved, and those who have crossed over. I have been grateful for any thing that has helped remind me of warmth and color and happy times ahead, as the seasons cycle round.
I lost a bit of weight between making this dress right after Christmas (I cheated on keto for a week or two in December and ate alllllllll the Christmas cookies! No regrets. 😁) and now, so the bodice isn't as fitted as it was when I made it, but still quite good enough for everyday wear! There is no boning in the bodice so I think this is about as good as I will get it, as far as smoothness of fit.
I don't wear much of anything on my head, normally, but I did think the outfit needed a cap or bonnet or hat to finish off the wintery look, worn with a cloak. I was pleasantly surprised by how well I liked this version of the Evergreen. I cut back the width, added a fold back scalloped brim and appliqued on some old silk flowers for decoration. A bit of green floss for embroidered leaves and a stem and there was a most perfectly imperfect Hobbit Bonnet! This style is inspired by a close fitting cap sewing pattern from the 1960's. The cut of the original pattern is different than the Evergreen, but the overall look is the same. It fits in perfectly with the look I like.
It was fun going out for these photos, to one of our favorite local nature sites. It was cold then but it is getting warmer now. I am so grateful that after winter spring comes. Mud and all; it is beautiful to see the red and purple buds swelling at the end of bare branches and to hear the happy sounds of birds busily preparing for the months ahead. Seeing the birds at my birdfeeder each day brings me such joy.
I'll be back soon with an 1890's petticoat update; as of right now, I think all my undergarments are complete! Except, perhaps, for a corset cover, which I have an uncomfortable conviction that I must make. I really don't want to, though, so perhaps I'll just go straight on to the dress when I finish up some things I must do first.
Much love,
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