Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Afternoon Sewing

Christmas is nearly a week gone - already. We still have a few decorations up but our Christmas tree was taken down a few days ago, when it was sixty degrees outside and our windows were open, to air the house - and a wild gust of wind knocked down our poor tree! We had a tornado warning. In December. Odd.

David moved his field desk to the empty spot the Christmas tree left, by our southerly window where we get light nearly all day long. He put my little rocker to one side, and his Big Rocker to the other. It makes a cozy place to sit in the afternoons to sew or read and will be a pleasant place to nurse the baby. The field desk has handy drawers and cubby holes and the lamp fits neatly on top. A very nice arrangement, altogether.

Life has been pretty quiet since Christmas. I think the end of a year is always a bit sad. So many lovely things happened this year to reflect upon and it seems the months went by ever so fast. We moved to a lovely new home, we were blessed richly with the tiny new wee one that is not yet here, the boys grew and learned so much, bringing so much happiness to the lives of David and I. I can't imagine them any sweeter or more joyful to be around than they are right now!

So, life has been quiet as we ponder these things.
And I sew. It is something that does not require much physical activity and as I think I may be considered "great with child" presently, I do not feel so guilty not doing as much as I am used to. This afternoon I worked more on the long sleeve regency gown that could, I suppose, be called shockingly pink. It is almost done and I hope to finish it this evening, in time for New Years Eve tomorrow!

A beautiful rest of the year to you all,




  1. I know what you mean about feeling kind of sad at the end of a year. I often feel that the time has flown by too quickly, or that I haven't savoured as many moments as I should have. Children change so much in such a short period of time - it is truly amazing!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fabric for your regency gown! Fabulous. I hope you are able to wear it tomorrow as you hope.

    Thinking of you as the birth of your little one draws near...

  2. I thought the striped was the best fabric choice for a Regency gown I'd seen -- you've one-upped yourself. The pink is even more adorable.

    I find January to be the most reflective time of year. My family returns to work after the holiday break, but I remain at home for an extra few weeks of quiet before the new semester begins. It's a good time to reorganize my thoughts and life.

    Thank you for your prayers as my husband and I start our process - we need all we can get! Know you're in my prayers as well, especially for the next 20 days 'til Baby comes! Best wishes, I hope you remain comfortable.

  3. I always feel ready for the end of the year. But I also don't have children, so it isn't a bitter sweat thing for me. I love the fabric for your gown. I've got you hook on the Regency :-D Have a wonderful New Year, dear friend. I hope the little one comes quickly.

    God Bless!

    Love Lauren

  4. What a beautiful gown, Sarah! I've seen the fabric in our Wal-Mart stores also...You've made it look even more wonderful!

    Happy New Year! :-)


Thank you for your lovely thoughts!