Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Clothespin Dolls

I acquired quite a few of the old fashioned peg kind of wooden clothespins this summer, put them up and promptly forgot about them. Recently I needed some kind of new activity to keep Anne occupied, though, so I remembered the forgotten clothespins and pulled them out and showed her how to make a very simple clothespin doll, the kind without arms. She loved the resulting dolls and quickly made several of her own. Her latest were these 3, which I thought were too cute to not share!

I helped her just a little with the sewing of the top of Mary's dress and wrapping baby Jesus in some string to keep his swaddling cloth on. She carries the finished 3 dolls around in a tiny basket and sets up mini nativity scenes all over the house. It's like the Elf on the Shelf, only it's Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus popping up in unexpected places!

I made 3 dolls altogether; the first one was an angel doll made of different types of lace as a prototype for teacher gifts. Cute but not really "me". These last two are angels, to go with Anne's nativity and double as this years Christmas ornaments for me and Rose. 

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